Saturday, 31 July 2010

DNA rules on Lake Garda

After two days of great racing in windy conditions Chris Field (UK) and Roeland Wentholt (NED) are leading the pack. All six races are won by a DNA (Roeland one and Chris 5). Bob Baier on his Nikita is third overall trailing Roeland by a margin of 4 points after one discard.

The first race yesterday was won by Roeland who was ffith at the first mark and sailed away downwind powering his DNA. The second and third race were sailed in survival conditions and in those conditions a slightly more light footed approach paid for Chris (two firsts and Scott Anderson )one second).

Chris had a perfect score today, while Roeland was once passed by Bob and scored a 3,2,2. The last race Roeland passed Bob downwind coming from behind on raw boatspeed.

After the light winds in Cesenatico finally the conditions which suit the DNA so well.
I haven''t spoke to Chris yet but especially he must be delighted after all efforts he put in his rig development and his new boat.

Thumbs up for Chris and Roeland with three more races to go tomorrow.

Pic of Chris, courtesy of

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