Wednesday, 19 March 2014

Rule 8 in or out makes little difference

The boats are flying within rule 8 now. We can improve the set-up in such a away that we can make the boat fly in 8 kts of breeze. From a commercial point of view is keeping rule 8 the best for the DNA business.
Skipping rule 8 would it make easier for others to come up with flying solutions as well and it makes it easier to retrofit older boats.
The discussion on internet is sometimes grim as there are some strong opponents against flying.
The case is not flying vs floating as flying is there to stay.
The opponents of flying can go back to straight boards but I cannot see how that will get a 2/3 majority.
Discussion in the nations is still floating vs flying but it should be flying with or without rule 8.
In an article on Catsailingnews by Mike Drummond you can see the history of the rule and why it should not have been made in the first place. (the problem was not caused by rule 8, but by the no hydrofoil rule. At that time nobody was flying and there was no need to have that extra rule.)

It takes just two nations to get an extra WGM. Nations take your responsibility, you can make a difference.

The new DNA's are prepared to be the fastest within rule 8 or without rule 8. The range in which you can fly can be slightly bigger without rule 8 but I do not foresee any big changes or radical new ideas, but I like to be surprised by the ingenuity of others.

The Takapuna container is almost home. DNA has two used foiling boats for sale with an interesting discount.
The first 2014 boats are out sailing and especially Chris Field is ecstatic about it. Flying downwind in over 20 kts of breeze and he even claims to be faster upwind then before.
PJ has sold a few retrofit kits for older boats and these can be ordered through sailcenter.

Mike Drummond expects more changes as the hulls will become more lightwind oriented and the sails will become flatter and the masts stiffer. It is not what we see and experience at the moment. The current boats have improved in the light too and you still need power to get it going. The sails with the extra high clew (Stevie sails and the DNA OEM) will no longer have an edge in the marginal wildthing as once you can do marginal wildthing you will be close to flying as well. The center of effort of the sails will come somewhat down but no drastic changes. Masts will be medium soft and not extreme soft. The developments will be in sailing technique, we will see a mix of T and L rudder foils and will see some board development.
Drummond predicts that the crews will get slightly heavier, I do think that the heavier guys will become more competitive but that the lighter guys will be still quick in most circumstances too. The lighter guys can sset up their boats for less drag and heavier guys can use their extra momentum earlier as they will trapeze earlier.
Glenn was lighter than Peter Burling and both were competitive.

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