Wednesday, 30 June 2010

Steve Brewin regaining the lead after day three

all pics (c) eva fagnoli

Stevie scored a third yesterday and a second today. Glenn scored a win yesterday and a 19 today.
Both races were sailed in exceptionally light winds just around the class limit of 4 knots (from 2011 5 knots).
The DNA does it well in the light conditions because it can be sailed without any wake if the helmsman positions himself just in front of the frontbeam.
Although we had some decent sea breeze in the days before the championship the weather provides very light winds. Stevie is convinced that in 12 knots of seabreeze he would have had a even bigger advantage with his new DNA.
Tomorrow the committee send us out later (11.00 instead of 14.00) which will probably not help because the landwind is then already gone and the too light sea breeze will ave started up by then. Though we keep our fingers crossed for some decent breeze.

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